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School Resource Officer

Deputy Blacklock with lynx logo and paw

My name is Deputy Hannah Blacklock and I am extremely fortunate to work for the Park Hill School District at Lakeview Middle School as a School Resource Officer (SRO). My career began in 2018 with the Platte County Sheriff’s Office where I worked in the Detention Center prior to transferring to the patrol unit as an SRO. I look forward to working with staff, students, and families within the Park Hill School District this school year. 

I have worked at Lakeview Middle School serving as an SRO since 2020. I could not be more grateful to be a part of this great community of teachers, staff and students. Working for this school district has been genuinely fulfilling for me. I also serve as an SRO for Graden Elementary School, English Landing Elementary School, and Union Chapel Elementary School.


  • Bachelor’s Degree: Criminal Justice — University of Wisconsin-Platteville
  • P.O.S.T. Certification—Missouri Sheriff’s Association
  • Basic SRO Certification
  • Active Shooter/Armed Intruder Instructor 
  • Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) member 
  • Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Officer & Assistant Coordinator 


There are over 10,000 sworn police officers serving in schools nationwide. The primary goal of the School Resource Officer is to promote a safe-school environment for learning.

The key component of the partnership between Park Hill School District and the Platte County Sheriff’s Department is to “close the gap” between law enforcement officers and young people; making connections between vulnerable populations in the community are vital for the safety of our community members and their families.

This is done by increasing positive attitudes towards law enforcement; teaching the value of our legal system; promoting respect for people and property and reducing juvenile delinquency by helping students formulate an awareness of rules, authority, and justice.

The School Resource Officer can spend more time interacting with students and teachers during the school day resulting in increased rapport and student-initiated contacts. This is done by following the Triad Model the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) teaches during basic SRO certification classes: the SRO is to be a mentor/informal counselor, an educator, and, lastly, a law enforcement officer.

Law Education: I maintain a list of lessons detailing a variety of law education topics for teachers and students. Law education focuses on coaching students about laws pertaining to Alcohol and Drug Awareness; Constitutional Law; Traffic and Municipal Law; Domestic Violence, Crime Prevention/Reporting in Schools and much more.

Law Counseling: I work closely with the Counseling Staff and the Social Worker in order to provide appropriate levels of support and information to students and parents by counseling them on a variety of issues, such as violence; anger management; personal conflicts; harassment; bullying; drug and alcohol issues; abuse and/or neglect.

School Policing: Police referrals made to the School Resource Officer allows for easier follow-up investigation, thus netting higher solvability. Other duties include conducting investigations and interviews; works with surrounding law enforcement agencies; liaison between the school, community and local law enforcement; provides expertise in safety planning; and serves as a resource for information and services to students, parents and school personnel.