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Intramurals are after school activities for ALL students.

  • Offered each quarter for five weeks, with each quarterly session requiring a new form submission for admittance.
  • Please check out our Lakeview Activities Calendar for these dates.
  • The activities are teacher sponsored with no fees, but could have limited spots due to the amount of interest expressed by students.

Click on each club or group below to learn more about it, including meeting dates, times and signup links.  

How to Sign Up for Intramurals

  1. YOU MUST SIGN UP IN EVENTBRITE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT!  Click on the activity you are interested in, and then click on the link under that activity.  Parents and guardians should sign up with their STUDENT’S NAME, (not their own name) in Eventbrite. You will immediately know if you are in the activity or if you have been put on the waitlist. 

  1. Once you have signed up in EventBrite, please complete the Parent Permission Form.  We require parents to complete this form before their student can stay for an activity.

picture of pictures from EventBrite Website to help parents sign up


Possibility of Canceling Activities

We reserve the right to cancel activities due to lack of student interest. Hopefully that won't happen. However, if a class/activity is canceled, parents will be notified by email and students will be encouraged to join another activity.

Things to Know

  • Intramural sign-ups typically happen 1-2 weeks before the session start date.
  • Intramurals start after school and run until 3:55
  • Car riders are picked up at the front of the school starting at 4:00
  • Transportation is not provided for Intramurals.
  • Sign-ups are on a first-come-first serve basis
  • Watch the announcements and parent newsletter to see when Intramural sign-ups are happening!
  • Suggestions for session offerings are always welcome - students would need to find a teacher willing to supervise and sponsor their activity.


2024-2025 Sessions

  • Session 1:  Sept. 3rd - Oct. 3rd
  • Session 2:  Oct. 29th - Dec. 5th**
  • Session 3: Jan. 28th - Feb. 27th
  • Session 4:  Apr. 1st - May 1st 

**Please note that 2nd Session will skip a week due to Fall Break from Nov. 25th-Nov. 29th.